Oppo Ravintola
Unohtumattomat maut

Maukkaita pizzoja, kebabeja, rulla-kebabeja, kanaruokia, salaatteja ja juomia! Lounas. Kotiinkuljetus.

arkisin klo 10.30 -14.00
sis. salaatti, juoma, ja kahvi
seisovasta pöydästä …………………………………… 12,90 €
lapset 3-9 v ……………………………………………….. 8,00 €
Kebabit ja pizzat. juoma(0,3L) kaupan päälle
Haluatko syödä jotain herkullista?

Yksityinen hetki
Meidän ravintola

Pizza, kebab – kuumat siivet – salaattilounasbuffet – burgeriravintola – turkkilainen pizzapizza…

Kiitos sinulle
Hyviltä asiakkailta

Parhaat pizzat ja lounaalla runsas salaatti ja ruoka buffet.
Jari Wersta
Super delicious food and extremely friendly owner and worker. We are staying in the Hotel Mesikämmen but because of the bad review of the restaurant food, we decided to visit to OPPO restaurant. The food was tasty, i especially love the spongy rice. Strongly recommend their hot wings!… 👍🏻👍🏻
Esther Lim-Virtanen
We have a big group of friends (16 person) visited at 21:20 for dinner. They were willing to extend their service time for us. Their food is super delicious and has variety of choices to meet all of our requests. They make burger, kebab, pizza, rice, salad and the most delicious hot wings! They even made new fresh coffee for free of charge and ice bucket (we bought wine but hotel doesn’t have fridge for us to chill our wine and beer, they gave us big bucket of ice when we asked for it). 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Sammi Wong
Hyvä ruoka, loistava palvelu!